Amicus Mundi: The Lawyer Who Made a Difference on Election Day

Every month, we give the Amicus Mundi Award to an outstanding lawyer in our community who exemplifies our shared values of service and dedication to building a more just and equitable society. This Thanksgiving week, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to the 6,000 We The Action volunteers who helped ensure the 2024 elections were safe and accessible for all voters. We especially want to thank a poll monitor in New Jersey who turned what could have been a disenfranchising event into an empowering one.

Join us in saying…

Congratulations David Hubbard!

Going Where Help is Needed: David Hubbard, Vice President and Deputy General Counsel at Verizon Consumer Group, exemplifies a deep commitment to service. 

  • "I'd read a lot and heard about election issues over the past few elections—not just in New Jersey, but across the country,” says David. “I knew I wanted to help, to have some impact in the election." 

  • David joined the Verizon Pro Bono team supporting the PLAN-LEAAD Foundation’s Election Protection program in New Jersey, serving as a poll monitor for the first time.

Protecting Rights and Democracy: The PLAN-LEAAD Foundation works to protect democracy and to serve marginalized communities, including incarcerated individuals and those reentering society after release. 

  • The organization provides cost-free civil legal services and resources for presently and formerly incarcerated people, operates the non-partisan Election Protection Poll Monitoring Program in New Jersey, and coordinates the Election Jail & Post-Release Voting Working Group in collaboration with other nonprofits.

  • "Our mission is simple: to serve those who are often left behind," says Stanley Holdorf, Supervising Attorney and Member of the Board. “We want every voice to be heard in our democracy.”

Election Day Impact: On election night, PLAN-LEAAD Foundation learned that a potential mass disenfranchisement event was unfolding in Burlington County. Due to county-wide poll machine issues, wait times were up to 6 hours long at some polling places and closing time was fast-approaching. 

  • Amelia Armstrong, Executive Director of the PLAN-LEAAD Foundation, says, "I called David around 8 p.m. and asked if he could help. David said, ‘Where do you need me? I’ll go.’”

  • David didn’t just show up; he brought water and snacks for voters stuck in long lines and offered moral support to those facing confusion and frustration. 

  • David says, "I was amazed by how many people were willing to wait as long as it took to make their voices heard. There were lines around the building. It was inspiring. I’d do it a thousand times over. It was an honor to support people in exercising their right to vote.”

Empowering a Voter: One voter, told to leave because of delays, was ready to give up—but David stayed with him, offering reassurance. With David’s help, the voter cast his ballot, demonstrating the critical importance of this type of support.

  • Stanley says, “By definition, David’s efforts changed the course of this election, by ensuring that this voter’s ballot was among those cast and counted. To be a true democracy, our elections must include the voices of all eligible voters who want to cast a ballot.”

  • David recalls, “He was so grateful. He gave me a hug and said, ‘I wouldn’t have voted if it wasn’t for you.’ That moment felt incredibly rewarding."

The Power of Service: “When that voter stayed to cast their vote, it was because David made them feel their voice mattered,” says Stanley. “This is more than just protecting the vote; it’s about ensuring people feel heard.”

  • Amelia says, "We need volunteers like David who come with a heart for service. If you’re ready to help, we’ll find a place for you."

  • The PLAN-LEAAD Foundation has exciting initiatives coming up, including projects focused on jailhouse law libraries and post-release voting guides. Stay tuned for more projects from this incredible organization, and follow in David’s footsteps and find your next project here.

On behalf of 50,000+ volunteer lawyers: Thank you, David!